26269 Old Grand Mesa Road, Cedaredge, CO 82413

Adopt-A-Cabin 2023

The Adopt-a-Cabin program is to engage camp alumni, church congregations and families with the Grand Mesa Campus. The camping program enhances the mission of the church. By adopting a cabin congregations should take pride in the adopted cabin, the campus, and the camping program. Alumni can be proud to fund the campus improvements and continue in the camping ministries. 

The program consists of several elements.

  • Camp Alumni / Families:  We are asking for a monthly or yearly tithe to fund the maintenance and improvements of the campus.  The funds will be managed by the Building and Long Range Committee and used to improve the cabins, walking paths, infrastructure and related projects.
  • Congregations / Groups: By adopting a cabin the group or congregations will be asked to participate in the spring work days to get cabins ready for the camping season.  This will include cleaning the cabin, washing or replacing the curtains, painting inside and out every 5 years or as needed.  .  Fall workdays to help get the camp ready for winter includes sanitizing and shutters. Supplies will be provided through the generosity of camp alumni and families.  Please pray for the camp and the occupants of the cabin during the camping season.  
  • Prayer:  Connecting our camping ministry through prayer.  Notes and letters can be exchanged with the campers in the cabin throughout the season.  Campers in the cabin will have the opportunity to write a note or letter back.

Support GMCA

Supporting Grand Mesa Camp with your best gift keeps this ministry going for the next generation.  The camp has been a sanctuary for kids, youth, and adults for more than 100 years.  Supporting Grand Mesa Camp with your best gift has never been easier; from anywhere in the world, in any walk of life, your gift impacts generations to come. Would you consider giving to support the future of this ministry?

Through a generous donation to UMCRM 2023 Ministry Impact Grant the first 120 people who give $20 per month or $240  single gift; your donation will be matched with a new camper mattress!

Give with a credit/debit card or electronic check with Tithly

Checks Payable to:

Grand Mesa Christen Association (GMCA)

Send Checks to:

Frist Baptist Church

C/O Betty Schonz

720 Grand Ave

Grand Junction, CO 81501


You may remember the Adopt-A-Cabin Program from years ago, well it is back and better than ever!  Congregations and ministry groups will have the opportunity to tithe through their time and talents to the Grand Mesa Campus.  Groups are asked to participate in the workdays in spring and fall.  Light maintenance tasks such as cleaning, painting, and window coverings will be accomplished by the adoptive group. Supplies will be provided through the generous gifts of camp alumni and families.

Pray For The Camp

Part of the Adopt-A-Cabin program is praying for the cabin occupants.  A prayer book is being placed in each cabin with words of encouragements or prayer for kids to read.  If you would like to send a message to be put in the book, fill out the fields below.

Thank you

Thank you for your generous donation to Grand Mesa Camp.  Your generosity ensured this camp can minister to youth for years to come.  Your prayers will continue to encourage the campers as well as the staff of volunteers and board members who care for this quiet corner of Gods Kingdom.